For a magazine:
- Describe the shopping habits of young people in your country.
- Evaluate whether shopping habits are changing.
- Consider what affects what young people buy.
The principal aim of this report is to provide information about customary shopping habits of young population and to assess to what extend these habits are changing. Thus, I randomly conducted a survey among people aged between 18 and 25 to find out first-hand data about the issue.
It turns out to be clear that the whole inhabitants surveyed have shown their craving for going on a shopping spree every so often. However well people could think that women are more interested in going shopping, several male respondents seem to be keen onsplashing out on trendy clothing, above all, at Christmas, which tends to be such a remarkable and familiar time.
Given the economic crisis and budget cutbacks, families appear to be losing earning power and standard of living so that they might be changing their ingrained shopping habits. Therefore, young people may not be amenable to spending such amount of money due to the fact that the vast majority of them have to rough keep an eye on it. Consequently, they seem to be deeming market stalls as an attainable option as they might get good price wise by haggling.
To recap, both arguments underlined above are likely to be vital to get to know the most meaningful makeovers that shopping habits are undergoing. Moreover, what might affect people when buying could be :
- Advertisements, social networks and the overwhelming rise of in technology might be having a tremendous influence on them.
- Celebrities often boost and encourage people to purchase useless items to meet our consumerist needs to a certain extend.
Este report para el examen CAE está muy bien hecho. Primero, sigue las convenciones propias de un report, división en párrafos (introducción, body y conclusión), headings para cada idea (títulos), con sus correspondientes frases tipo: The principal aim of this report is, Thus, I randomly conducted a survey, To recap, both arguments underlined above, etc. Segundo, no hay prácticamente errores gramaticales, lo cual facilita al lector (examinador del report en el CAE) la comprensión del mismo. Tercero, la gramática es acorde al nivel C1 para el examen CAE, así como el vocabulario. Y por último, las ideas están claramente desarrolladas y enlazadas, con buenos conectores que hacen de este writing un report bien cohesionado.
Destaco a continuación la gramática que especialmente me gusta, por ser de buen nivel para un report de nivel CAE:
- It turns out to be clear that
- seem to be keen on
- tends to be
- appear to be losing
- might be changing
- may not be amenable to
- are likely to be vital to
Todas estas estructuras son formales y adecuadas cuando no quieres dar tu opinión de una forma directa. Así se muestra distancia y se evita hacer del report un escrito informal y personal. Se trata de “speculation language”.
Vocabulary de nivel avanzado:
- show their craving for
- shopping spree
- every so often
- splashing out on
- Given the economic crisis and budget cutbacks
- earning power
- be amenable to
- to be deeming market stalls as an attainable option
- good price wise by haggling
- the most meaningful makeovers that shopping habits are undergoing
- overwhelming rise
- boost
Last summer you and some classmates attended a month’s English language course organised by a college in your local area. Your teacher has asked you to write a report, commenting on the course and explaining whether you would recommend it for other students.
En rojo vamos a poner los errores, que los corregiré escribiendo lo correcto entre paréntesis, en verde las estructuras fijas que debemos emplear ante este tipo de textos y en azul las cosas buenas, tanto de vocabulario (porque sea adecuado para el nivel) como de gramática, que le dan nivel y calidad al writing.
The aim of this report is to evaluate the last Summer English Course (the last summer English course), in which a group of 35 people were enrolled, giving suggestions for further editions and various details that would have to be taken into consideration.
This course was imparted in one of the main streets
on in this town, which makes it a perfect location to for the vast majority of people. Another point to stress is the that related with to the classroom, specifically the size of it. In summer time, staying in a narrow space without enough ventilation for a long time, it might well increase the sultry feeling amongst all of us.
The strongest points about the learning process, come from the
origin of the teacher teacher’s origin. When lessons are given by a native speaker, the quality of them raise rises hugely, concretely the pronunciation, which is almost flawless. Another upside comes also from the nationalities of the students students’ nationalities, who have different mother tongues. This cultural variety means that the English language plays is the only way to be able to communicate one another, it works as a pidgin language like as it happens in the real life.
This course has been imparted during the weekdays on weekdays, every single day. Most
of attendants have to work in the morning or simply they have to study are studying some a degree, course or workshop. In this perspective, having a pile of homework to do might result quite suffocating for many of them. Despite all the benefits described above, about native teachers, probably making up organising new social activities could be considered as a must. In this way, the students shall be more relaxed and entertained after the useful and but dull grammar lessons.
To sum up, the most pressing need has to be the change of the current classroom to a bigger one with air conditioned air conditioning installed. I would also suggest, if the change were not possible, to split the classroom into 2, obviously with less members in each room, so avoiding an overcrowded class in which even breathing might be difficult
even breathing. As I explained previously, the learning process, as well as both staff and material, is nearly outstanding. Nevertheless, the physical place has to be urgently changed, to be able to assure future thriving editions of this course.
El writing está bastante bien para un nivel B2, pero en mi opinión, le falta un poquito de nivel para llegar al CAE, que es nivel C1 según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER).
- Confusión entre to y for. Cabe destacar que for va seguido de sustantivo o pronombre, mientras que to, en la mayoría de los casos, de infinitivo. En este caso, tenemos vast majority of, donde majority es un sustantivo acompañado de un adjetivo (vast) por tanto, for.
- Repetición del sujeto en oraciones largas: staying in a narrow space without enough ventilation for a long time
,itmight well increase the sultry feeling amongst all of us = staying es el sujeto de la oración, por tanto, el pronombre sujeto ‘it’ lo está repitiendo. Recordad, el orden de una oración en inglés es: Subject + Verb + Complement, donde el subject is ‘staying in a narrow space without enough ventilation for a long time’ y el verbo ‘might increase’, por lo que ‘it’ sobra. - No uso del genitivo sajón en dos ocasiones: the origin of the teacher and the nationalities of the students. No es que sea éste un error muy serio, pero a este nivel considero que el uso del genitivo sajón demostraría un nivel más elevado por parte del alumno.
- Confusión de los verbos ‘raise’ y ‘rise’: the quality of themselves
raiserises. El verbo raise es un verbo transitivo, lo cual quiere decir que exige complemento directo, mientras que ‘rise’ es intransitivo, que no necesita complemento directo. En nuestro ejemplo, detrás de ‘aumentar’ o ‘crecer’, que es lo que el alumno quería decir, no tenemos un complemento directo, una cosa, por tanto, el verbo a escribir es ‘rise’. Hay además una omisión de la -s de tercera persona del singular, lo cual sí que es un error bastante serio, ya que quality es 3ª personal del singular. - Confusión de like y as. Te recomiendo que si no recuerdas el uso de estos dos conceptos revises la siguiente explicación: cuál es la diferencia entre as y like
- Uso del artículo -the con nombres abstractos como life.
- Orden erróneo en oración: in which might be difficult even breathing. El orden correcto es: in which even breathing might be difficult. Recordad el orden de una oración en inglés: sujeto + verbo + complemento, el sujeto es ‘breathing’. Es importante no traducir palabra a palabra del español y tener muy presente la estructura del inglés.
- La estructura de este tipo de texto, report, es correcta. Se divide, como ha hecho Eduardo, en distintos párrafos, encabezados con headings (títulos), donde en cada uno se trata un punto, además del párrafo introductorio y el de conclusión.
- Oraciones de relativo en abundancia.
- Uso de la voz pasiva.
- Good vocabulary: overcrowded, dull, outstanding, thriving, flawless.
- Uso de adverbios: hugely, urgently.
taken from
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